
“Dhua” is a thought-provoking theatrical production that sheds light on the experiences of Kashmiri youth and their responses to the enduring unrest in the region. Historically known for its religious unity, Kashmir’s contemporary scenario demands a specific level of accomplishment from its inhabitants. The narrative centers on two young protagonists – a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy – who grapple with the societal pressures imposed on them. The girl, pressured to showcase her talents, succumbs to the strain and takes a drastic step, while the boy, consistently viewed with suspicion, inclines towards extremism as an act of resistance against the suppression he faces. Set in a metaphorical heaven, their poignant exchange underscores their shared disillusionment and vulnerability in a world molded by the decisions of adults. Amidst their dialogues, a yearning for connection and mutual support emerges, prompting reflections on the impact of youthful camaraderie amid challenging circumstances.