Cinemapar Productions proudly presents a series of four films commissioned by the esteemed Bagla Group. Established in 1985 with their initial industrial unit for manufacturing magnetos in Waluj, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, Bagla Group has expanded into Die Casting, Electrical and Electronics, Fasteners, and Refrigeration sectors. With a commitment to technological evolution and strategic alliances with European partners, Bagla Group is at the forefront of the dynamic Automotive and Engineering industries. These films highlight Bagla Group’s dedication to acquiring the latest technologies, following best practices, and maintaining high standards of business ethics in all dealings with customers, suppliers, government, and society.
Our goal at Cinemapar Productions was to capture and convey the essence of Bagla Group’s journey, innovations, and values through these films. Each film is meticulously crafted to reflect their industry leadership and forward-thinking approach. We invite you to get in touch with us for the preview of these four films and to discuss how Cinemapar Productions can help bring your corporate stories to life with the same dedication and excellence.