
In 2020, Cinemapar Productions was established as a dynamic creative endeavor by Deeksha Ketkar and Nachiket Guttikar. Their collaboration marries Nachiket’s mastery in documentary photography and filmmaking, stemming from a Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual Arts, New York, with Deeksha’s expertise honed through a Master of Fine Arts in acting from The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, New York. With nearly a decade of direct experience in conflict zones, they discerned a compelling incongruity between global portrayals and their own firsthand encounters. Together, their mission revolves around cohesively reshaping visual narratives through authentic collaboration with local communities.

Central to Cinemapar Productions’ essence is their shared vision. The company’s mission revolves around parallel storytelling, representing diverse facets of experiences in conflict zones. Beyond this, they seek to foster an environment of empathy and understanding, intending to bridge the gap between divided communities through meaningful dialogue.

Looking ahead, Cinemapar Productions aspires to establish a universal platform for collaborative and cohesive storytelling. Propelled by their profound belief in the evocative power of film, Deeksha and Nachiket strive to leave an indelible impact on the landscape of visual storytelling. Their visionary partnership is a catalyst for transforming the manner in which narratives are conveyed, shared, and experienced, with the ultimate goal of reshaping global perceptions and fostering genuine connections. The company’s overarching goal is to create independent films in both fiction and non-fiction forms, contributing to the rich tapestry of cinematic exploration.